Master Chorale of Flagstaff’s 47th Season, 2024-2025
Rehearsal Schedule: Rehearsals take place in the Sutherland Choral Rehearsal Room (Rm 145) in NAU’s KITT School of Music
Fall Tuesday evening rehearsals (7:15-9:30 PM) August 27-December 9
Fall Singer retreat: September 14 AM at 9 AM before Big Sing at Trinity Heights United Methodist Church (​​600 N Fourth St)
Spring Tuesday evening rehearsals (7:15-9:30 PM) January 14-May 13 (no rehearsal March 11 for Spring Break)
2/4: Artistic Director candidate Tom Peterson will lead the first half hour of rehearsal.
2/11: Artistic Director candidate Marshall Voit will lead the first half hour of rehearsal.
2/25: Tim Westerhaus will run the first hour of rehearsals.
4/1: Tim Westerhaus will run the full rehearsal.
4/8: Tim Westerhaus will run at least the first half of rehearsal.
Performance Schedule:
Big Sing: Saturday, September 14, 2024 1 PM (call time: 12:30 PM)
Tom Peterson, Director & Eric Betz, Assistant Director
Collaboration with NAU Choral Union and local schools
Venue:Downtown Flagstaff on the County Courthouse lawn (219 E Cherry Ave)
Commission Concert: Sunday, October 27, 4 PM: Featuring Melissa Dunphy’s Universe Premiere
Tom Peterson, Director & Eric Betz, Assistant Director
Dress rehearsal 1:00 PM, Sunday, October 27
Venue: Ardrey Auditorium on NAU’s Campus
Carols in the Mountains: Saturday, December 14 at 3 PM
Stephanie Galloway, Director & Eric Betz, Assistant Director
Collaboration with Coconino High School Choir (Owen Davis) and Flagstaff High School Choir (Stephanie Galloway)
Brass quintet
Venue: Flagstaff High School Main Auditorium
Dress rehearsal: Friday, December 13, 7 PM
Verdi Messa di Requiem with Flagstaff Symphony Orchestra and NAU’s Shrine of Ages Choir, Friday April 18 , 2025 (Good Friday) 7:30 PM
Choirmaster: Eric Betz, Concert directed by FSO’s Charles Latshaw
Dress rehearsals through the week of April 14-17 in the evenings (exact schedule will be set by FSO)
Venue: Ardrey Auditorium on NAU’s campus
Scores will be provided, free of charge
For singers who may wish to purchase their own score, they will need to purchase one of these 2 scores from Carus: (not required!)
Purchase here: https://www.carus-verlag.com/en/music-scores-and-recordings/giuseppe-verdi-messa-da-requiem-2730300.html
Verdi Requiem Vocal Scores: Carus 27.303/04
Verdi Requiem XL Print Vocal Scores: Carus 27.303/04
Notes: DO NOT purchase the “Choral Score” – this includes only choral parts, no orchestra reduction or soloist music, making it more difficult to understand cues. Carus has a very helpful “Choir Coach” available as both download (recommended) and mp3 CD. These highlight each part for individual singers with a real singer, and include a “coach in slow mode” at 70% of tempo. This is a great aid to singers especially beginning with reading music.
Broadway Concert: Friday, May 16
Eric Betz & Marshall Voit, Co-Directors
Venue: Coconino High School Auditorium (TBD)
Dress rehearsal: Thursday, May 15 7 PM